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Please note the PayPal account for Saint Tabitha is a private account belonging to a volunteer. All funds are transferred directly to the orphanage.

Immediate Needs

Help pay our teachers the average wage.  We are currently only able to pay about half what most teachers earn. $150-$200 by the first of each month
Textbooks – 10 books per class, 7 classes, 6 subjects (350 total) $7.00 each
40 school Uniforms (2 pairs of socks, 1 sweater, 1 shirt, 1 pair of shorts, and 1 pair of shoes) $24.50 each
Dictionaries and literary works (ages 12-17) Any amount will go a long way
20 classroom chairs (children are sitting on the floor) $5.00 each
Geometry Sets: protractors, rulers, compasses, etc. for 40 students $3.50 each
New classroom floor (concrete is breaking  up creating lots of dust the children are breathing in) $100

Monthly Budget

Line Item Budget
   Director  $200.00
   Secretary  $60.00
   Matron  $50.00
   Cook  $50.00
   Teacher  $50.00
   Care Taker/Cleaner  $30.00
   Head Teacher  $150.00
   Deputy Head Teacher  $80.00
   Three Teachers (classes 1-3)  $150.00
   Three Teachers (classes 4-6  $200.00
   Two Teachers (pre-school)  $80.00
Operating Budget
   Office and School Supplies      ($600/yr)  $50.00
   Text Books ($500/yr)  $41.67
   School Fees for 15 students ($225/yr)  $18.75
   School Uniforms ($2160/yr)  $180.00
   Exam and Curriculum Fees (Ministry of Edu)  $25.00
  School Office  $40.00
  6 Classrooms  $200.00
   New House  $-
   School  $5.00
Medical Care                 $5.00
Meals for school and orphanage  $805.00
Total Expenses  $2,465.42

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Please note the PayPal account for Saint Tabitha is a private account belonging to a volunteer. All funds are transferred directly to the orphanage.