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Karibu! Welcome!
The children of St. Tabitha Orphanage and School in Malava, Kenya welcome you to our website. We invite you to learn about who we are, how you can help meet our everyday needs and fulfill our mission to provide a safe and loving home for the many more orphans still living at risk.
We are an institution of the Orthodox Christian Diocese of Kisumu and Western Africa under the loving care of His Grace Bishop Athanasios Akunda and our dear founders, Father Agapios Habbil Lipesa Omukuba and his wife, Papadia Dorah. The Orthodox Church in Kenya is a part of the Patriarchate of Alexandria and all Africa.
Fr. Agapios and Papadia Dorah moved the orphans from the Kibera slum outside of Nairobi to Malava in Kakamega County in order to provide them with a safe place to live. They provide for the children’s every need including shelter, clothing, daily meals, schooling, and medical care. Fr. Agapios travels back regularly to Kibera to rescue more children and bring them to Malava.
With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Athanasios and by the generosity of others, we purchased a beautiful parcel of land on which to build a new home, future schoolhouse, medical clinic and church. Click here for the latest updates. Be sure to also check out our blog.
Father Agapios and Papadia Dorah are working hard to complete construction so they no longer have to pay rent. They currently spend approximately $700.00 U.S. per month to meet the basic needs of the children and pay teachers and staff. School is not free in Kenya and uniforms are required. Please consider supporting St. Tabitha Orphanage and School. Be a part of making a huge difference in the lives of a few children.
Please note the PayPal button above is currently not functioning. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please log into your PayPal account and donate using givingtosttabithahouse@gmail.com. All funds are transferred directly to the orphanage.
Thank you for visiting us! Please come again. We are adding to the site regularly. Click the Facebook link for more information.
Glory to Jesus Christ for all things!